随着达米安高中向前迈进,进入一个新时代, 向新生伸出援手, and expanding its presence – it is essential that the Damien brand grows with it. We want to make sure we embrace the history and tradition of Damien and position our school to reach continually expanding and evolving audiences.
本指南的目的不是限制创造力, 而是为达米安的员工提供有用的指导, 合作伙伴, and vendors to express the Damien brand effectively across a wide range of applications and media. 品牌元素旨在支持和反映我们的愿景和价值观. Using the elements correctly and consistently will ensure that our school materials communicate these values clearly.
绿色 & 60多年来,黄金一直是达米安高中的基础. 达米恩·格林(十六进制代码:#244546) 我们的原色在旁边吗 斯巴达金(十六进制代码:#FFB81C). These two colors should be used in significant and meaningful ways throughout the design, 因为他们把达米恩的历史定义为一所教育机构. 您可以选择使用任何一种颜色作为您设计中的签名色. Damien 绿色适合更正式或严肃的应用, 而斯巴达黄金则更适合非正式场合, 非正式应用,尤指涉及体育活动的.  
千年黄金(十六进制代码:#B3A369) has long been a part of Damien history, and can be used as an accent to our Damien 绿色. 千禧年金不能与斯巴达金的设计相同. 要了解更多深度, 冷灰色(十六进制代码:#A7A8A9)) can also be used as a secondary color in combination with Damien 绿色 and either 斯巴达式的黄金 or 年黄金. 应该使用次要颜色 只作为强调色 到主调色板. 
Our Spartan Helmet logos are available in Damien 绿色, 斯巴达式的黄金, 年黄金, 和白色的. 不接受其他标志颜色. 这个标志的白色版本 may be used only on backgrounds or photographs that allow for proper readability. 任何元素都不能以任何方式改变. 徽标不能朝另一个方向翻转. The negative space surrounding the interior cross cannot be filled to create a single colored helmet. Use only the digital artwork provided by our marketing/communication department. 不重新绘制或更改徽标元素或颜色.
    1. 徽标不能向左翻转. 
    2. 徽标必须始终清晰可辨. 避免在复杂的图案上小规模地使用徽标, 繁忙的照片, 或者纹理不能提供足够的对比度.
    3. 这个标志的白色版本 may be used only on solid color backgrounds or photographs to allow for proper readability.
    4. Maintaining the integrity of the Damien Spartan logo is key to building a strong identity. 它必须以一致和清晰的方式呈现. Do not alter the logo in any way by changing or adding elements or using only portions of it. 永远不要改变标志的颜色或扭曲或扭曲它. 不为特定目的创建自定义徽标.
The logo is available in only one format with the Spartan Helmet logo placed on the left of 达米安高中 logotype. 标识永远不能独立使用. 我们的斯巴达头盔与标识是可在达米安绿色, 斯巴达式的黄金, 年黄金, 和白色的. 不接受其他标志颜色.
服务. 奖学金. 信仰.
Those are the words we hear most often when we speak to various community members about Damien, 包括教师, 工作人员, 学生, 父母, 校友, 和捐助者. The Spartan Helmet logo with the Three Pillars of our school serves as a visual representation of this Damien identity and is a reminder of our core beliefs. Our 'Three Pillars' logo is available in Damien 绿色, 斯巴达式的黄金, 年黄金, 和白色的. 不接受其他标志颜色.
达米安高中 has long used an Old English 'D' to identify itself across multiple disciplines over the course of the school's history. An updated look was given to the logo in 2022 to formally separate Damien from other common uses of the letter logo by other schools or organizations. 主要标识符是中间柱子上的新“缺口”, 它的形状来自我们在其他达米安标志中看到的“十字架”的末端.
The Damien 'D' Logo is available in Damien 绿色, 斯巴达式的黄金, 年黄金, 和白色的. 不接受其他标志颜色. 徽标的轮廓可根据要求提供.
达米安徽章代表了学校的天主教身份, 致力于知识的进步, 以及对社区的服务. The current 2021 design refreshes but honors the work of the original 1959 version. The four elements represent 信仰 (Congregation of 神圣的心), 服务 (St. 莫洛凯岛的达米安), 奖学金(达米安高中), 斯巴达人(达米安高中的吉祥物).
The single-color seal in Damien 绿色 may be used for only formal occasions and products, 包括毕业典礼项目, 特殊礼品, 合适的服装(i).e. 西装外套,而不是t恤)和文具. 不要将公章与其他标识结合使用.
达米安徽章可在达米安绿色,千年金,和白色. 不接受其他标志颜色.

DO NOT take the Damien 绿色 crest and reverse it to make it white to use on dark backgrounds. The White version of the Damien Crest has been created specifically for use on a dark background. 
The Damien Crest may only be used with permission from the Offices of Marketing and Communication. 它永远不能被改变或改变.
请求使用达米安Crest,联系:特洛伊洛佩兹在 (电子邮件保护)
由于制造商的限制, we understand that an exact color match to Damien 绿色 is often not available as a base color for apparel and fabric. In those cases, a dark green may be used as a substitute for the base color of the clothing item. 
The Spartan Helmet logo or 'Three Pillars' logo must be clearly visible on the apparel. 
*黑色或冷灰色:使用有限. 发送使用请求 (电子邮件保护)
接受过武士协会的纪律和荣誉训练, 斯巴达人是希腊世界最可怕的军事力量之一. The Spartan has been associated with Damien since 1959 and was formally adopted as the mascot for 达米安高中. Today, the 'Spartan Man' is one of the distinctive experiences shared by decades of Damien 校友.
Our Spartan Man brings our traditional mascot to life and is useable in primarily Athletic applications to strengthen name, “达明斯巴达人”. 
我们提供四种认可的字体——Roboto, Roboto浓缩, Roboto板, and Trajan Pro (Damien logotype) — that allow for creative expression of our brand identity in ways that are appropriate for our diverse audiences and goals. 
Athletic uniforms, school uniforms, and other apparel are not restricted to these fonts. These fonts are intended to strengthen the Damien brand across print and digital materials. 
There will be instances in which the Damien brand fonts cannot be utilized because of technical limitations or restrictions. An example of this limitation is an HTML email in which attempts to include the brand fonts will likely fail. 在这种情况下,应该使用Arial和Times New Roman字体.
Roboto是最强的显示和冲击应用, 尤其是在需要表达学校身份的时候. 它也可用于标题、副标题和正文复制应用程序. 它有各种批准的重量和格式. Roboto may be replaced by Arial in case of technical limitations or restrictions. 
可于以下网址下载 http://fonts.google.com/ 或者点击下面的按钮下载.
Trajan Pro is the signature typeface for the Damien brand as it expresses the school’s identity in a distinctive manner. 它是经典的,但也是流行的. Trajan Pro的可用性有限,因为它只有全大写. Trajan Pro may be replaced by Times New Roman in case of technical limitations or restrictions. 
Mozart Script is a perfect font for formal awards and certificates or any design piece that requires the touch of tradition. 莫扎特与时代新罗马斜体搭配得很好.
Buinton is a great complimentary typeface for Damien Athletics for its classic sports look, 以一种独特的方式表达学校的个性. 布恩顿有干净和粗糙的版本. 建议用作标题或简短的陈述句. 不要全部用大写字母.
如对达米安品牌指南有任何疑问,请联系: 特洛伊·洛佩斯|  (电子邮件保护)